Basic FBA to BIP Overview

Basic FBA to BIP Overview



This presentation from the 2020 Virtual PBIS Leadership Forum presents:

  • the logic behind Basic FBA to BIP
  • an overview of the e-learning modules, and
  • suggestions for using Basic FBA to BIP e-learning modules in a comprehensive Professional Development plan

The Basic FBA to BIP District Planning & Implementation Guide is a nice complement to this video presentation.

Research has shown:

  • Interventions developed from FBA are among the most effective for students with persistent behavioral concerns in schools.

  • Despite substantial evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of function-based intervention, many schools continue to rely on punitive and exclusionary discipline for students who require individualized behavior support.

Goals of Basic FBA to BIP

Build School Capacity

Improve School Systems

Supportive School Culture

Build School Capacity to design and implement effective individualized positive behavior support by training the right people in the skills to provide effective behavior support

Improve School Systems through efficient teaming, data systems and processes to promote BIP development, implementation and evaluation

Create a Supportive School-wide Culture of support for students with challenging behavior through common training to create a common language across all staff for understanding behavior and intervention



Here is a brief video that presents examples of slides and interactions in the Basic FBA to BIP e-Learning modules.

The video shows the modules as they appear when accessing them through Kansas TASN’s moodle site. The modules will look different if accessing them through this site.

Basic FBA to BIP e-Learning Modules Introductory Video

  • <h3><i>"I'm looking at my challenging students from a completely different perspective now. I have a handful of kids that I’ve struggled to keep in Tier 1. These past few modules have encouraged me to take a step back and really look at their behaviors and functions and adjust my approach towards them. I’m shocked/impressed/proud at how quickly they are responding. Just a shift in perspective and my approach towards them has made a world of difference. I know this is a Tier 3 course, but I think it’s beneficial for teachers and staff who work in urban districts to have an awareness of behavior and function as we roll out Tier 1. Understanding that and getting equipped with strategies to support challenging behaviors is half the battle of teaching in districts like Oakland.”</i></h3>

    Joyce Hum, Oakland Unified SD