Using Basic FBA to BIP for School-wide training of all staff in the Basics of Understanding Behavior and Function-Based Support.
NOTICE: Updating Module 1 this Saturday, Sept. 15th 2018
Module 1 for both the Behavior Specialist training and School-wide trainings will be updated this Saturday, Sept. 15th, 2018. If you are completing Module 1 — you may want to do so before Saturday or start it after Saturday… since you may lose progress while the upload is being conducted. Based on user feedback we … Continue Reading
Safe & Civil Schools Presentation
Excited to be presenting at the Safe & Civil Schools National Conference in Portland. Here is a link to the Powerpoint Presentation for download.
Earn BCBA CEUs for Basic FBA to BIP
Great News! The Basic FBA to BIP Behavior Specialist training has been approved by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). You can now earn 7.0 Type 2 BCBA CEUs for completing the Basic FBA to BIP Behavior Specialist training series. Directions are available on our website or this flyer. Thank you to Peggy VonFeldt and Kansas … Continue Reading
OSPI MTSS PLC Webinar Series
A great pleasure presenting a webinar this morning to educational leaders across Washington on the Basic FBA to BIP e-learning modules! Here are the Powerpoint Slides used in the presentation. Best wishes in your implementation and please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you with implementation. We’d also love … Continue Reading
Presentation at Oregon RTI Conference
Excited to be presenting again at the Oregon RTI Conference with so many amazing presenters and people! What a great event! Here are links to the slides for my Presentations: Understanding and Supporting Students with Challenging Behavior: Building Capacity in Teachers and Schools Powerpoint Slides 2. From Classroom Interactions to Disproportionate Outcomes Powerpoint Slides
Welcome to Basic FBA to BIP!
Hello and welcome to Basic FBA to BIP! I’m excited to introduce our new website with the Basic FBA to BIP e-Learning modules. The modules are a FREE training resource available to schools, school districts, colleges, universities, or anyone who is working with educators or future educators to build skills in supporting students with … Continue Reading