<h1 style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #ffffff"><strong><u>Basic FBA to BIP</u></strong></span></h1> <h2 style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #ffffff"><strong>Planning for School-wide Training</strong></span></h2> <p> </p> <h4 style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #ffffff">It's important that staff complete the homework tasks for practice.</span></h4> <p> </p>
Planning for School-wide Training
The school-wide training is intended for all staff in your school.Before completing the training, it’s important to provide your colleagues with a clear understanding of the goals for the training.
Goals of School-wide Training:
To provide staff with a framework and tools for understanding problem behavior and behavioral intervention to support them with students with challenging behavior in their classroom.
To create a common language in the school for discussing students with challenging behavior and intervention planning.
lf your school is using SWIS and collecting “Possible Motivation” data on office discipline referrals forms, training will increase staff accuracy in reporting Possible Motivation.
Collect data to guide Tier 2 Intervention Planning:
Teacher completion of the ABC Tracker and BIP form can be used as part of the Request for Assistance process when referring students for Tier 2 Behavior Support.
Patterns in ‘Possible Motivation’ can be used to match students to Tier 2 interventions.
Increase teacher efficiency, accuracy and buy-in when participating in the FBA/BIP process for their students.
Support Staff in Completing the Modules:
Provide staff with a clear rationale for why they are being asked to complete the School-wide Training
Provide directions for accessing the training. Go to www.BasicFBA.com and click on the “School-wide Training” button
Provide regular prompting, encouragement and reminders to complete Module 1: Understanding Behavior or set up a time for staff to complete the module during a scheduled PD or meeting time. Module 1 will take about 45-60 minutes to complete.
Collect evidence of completion by having participants send you a copy of the Results Page (see example embedded here). Participants can ‘PrintScreen’ and paste it in to an email to send to your school leadership team.
Provide an opportunity for follow-up discussion to answer questions that may have come up while completing the module.
Provide regular prompting, encouragement, reminders and support to identify a student with challenging behavior, a routine during which to observe behavior, and have staff complete the ABC Tracker sheet (pdf) for the student over the course of a week or two. The goal is to complete ABC Tracker for Module 1 before beginning the next module. A good timeline is about two weeks to collect the ABC Tracker data before scheduling the next module.
Schedule for staff to complete the next module Module 4: Function-based Intervention. Have all staff send your leadership team a copy of the Results page as evidence of completion.
Encourage and support staff to complete the Homework Task for this module. Have staff use the Summary from their completed ABC Tracker form (pdf) to set up the Competing Behavior Pathway on the Behavior Intervention Plan form (pdf).
Encourage the teachers to implement supports that they identified on their Behavior Intervention Plan for the students
Provide opportunities to have follow-up discussions for sharing successes and problem solving their individual classroom behavior intervention efforts.