<h1 style="text-align: center"><span style="text-decoration: underline;color: #ffffff">Basic FBA to BIP</span></h1> <h2 style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #ffffff">School-wide Training</span></h2> <p> </p> <h4 style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #ffffff">Welcome! You can access the e-Learning modules below.</span></h4> <h4></h4> <p> </p>
Before you Begin: A Few Tips for Completing the Modules
1) Read the e-Learning Modules Quick Reference Guide for information about completing the modules. You may need to turn off pop-up blockers.
2) Print out the Participant Guide for each module before you begin (linked below by module). The Participant Guide is required to complete activities within each module.
3) If you get stuck on a slide, double check to see that you have completed all of the interactions. If you are still stuck you might try moving the timeline back a little bit and hitting the Play button to let it run out through the end of the timeline again.
4) When taking the Pre-Test & Post-Test… once you hit Submit your answers are locked in and cannot be change… so choose carefully the first time.
5) You can only take the Post-Test once, if you are not happy with your score you will need to complete the entire module again to re-take the Post-Test. So make sure you are paying attention as you progress through the modules. You may want to take note of the Pre-Test questions because they are the same on the Post-Test.
6) Don’t forget to copy or PrintScreen of your Results page and save it on your device. This is the onlyway for you to have a record of completion to send to your instructor of coach. The Results page is the very last page in the module and looks like this slide to the right.
Module 1: Understanding Behavior
Module 1 Participant Guide (Print NOW!)
Module 1 Slides & Audio Scripts
Basic FBA to BIP forms
ABC Tracker
Module 4: Function-Based Intervention
Module 4 Participant Guide (Print NOW!)
Module 4 Slides w/ Audio Script
Basic FBA to BIP forms
Behavior Intervention Plan form