<h1 style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #ffffff"><strong><u>Basic FBA to BIP</u></strong></span></h1> <h2 style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #ffffff"><strong>Planning for Effective Use</strong></span></h2> <p> </p> <h3 style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #ffffff"> The key to effective professional development and eventual implementation is initial planning and preparation.</span></h3> <p> </p>
Planning to use Basic FBA to BIP
First, it’s important to understand the difference between the two different training sequences and to identify the appropriate audiences for each.
Basic FBA to BIP Specialist Training
WHAT: The Basic FBA to BIP Specialist Training is a series of 7 progressive e-Learning modules (75 to 90 minutes each) that provides in-depth training in the knowledge and skills for conducting a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and leading a Behavior Intervention Planning (BIP) team through the process of developing, implementing and evaluating a BIP. Each module includes homework tasks which are critical to solidifying learning through real-world application of the content presented in each module. Completion of the homework tasks will result in a completed FBA/BIP case with a real student.
WHEN: Modules should be completed every 1-2 weeks, which should give participants an opportunity to complete the homework task before moving on to the next module. We don’t recommend longer than 2 weeks between modules because participants may begin to forget the content.
WHO: Staff who will be leading behavior intervention planning for students with persistent challenging behavior. Make sure staff selected to complete the training who will have the time and capacity to carry out FBA/BIP responsibilities (e.g. conducting interviews, observations, leading and supporting BIP teams). We encourage training teams of 3-4 people within a building to build capacity and plan for sustainability. Participants commonly include: School Psychologists, School Counselors, Special Education teachers and the Administrator. We strongly encourage the Adminstrator to complete the training.
HOW: Tips for using the Behavior Specialist Modules most effectively.
Basic FBA to BIP School-wide Training
WHAT:The Basic FBA to BIP School-wide Training includes two modules from the Specialist training (#1 – Understanding Behavior and #4 – Function-Based Intervention). The school-wide training is focused on teaching the basics of behavior and behavioral intervention to (a) increase staff knowledge and skills for supporting students with challenging behavior, (b) creating a common language for discussing students with challenging behavior at your school, and (c) increase staff members’ effectiveness and efficiency when participating in the FBA to BIP process. The School-wide training is intended as a supplement to the Behavior Specialist Training, but schools might choose to use the modules independently as a part of Universal/Tier 1 systems of behavior support. For example, Module 1 can be helpful for schools that would like to train their staff to more effectively complete the Possible Motivation field on their discipline referral form if they are using SWIS.
WHEN: The two modules should be completed about 2-4 weeks apart. The modules include homework tasks that are connected, so it is good not to wait too long between the modules.
WHO: All school staff (including general education teachers and classified staff) to provide a common understanding in the basics of behavior and behavioral intervention.
HOW: Tips for using the School-wide Training Modules most effectively.
Common Uses
Regardless of where the modules are used, they can be used to greater and lesser effectiveness. It’s important to remember that Training alone is never sufficient. The key to successful implementation is the monitoring and support provided before and after each module is completed. To implement the modules to greatest effect in a school or course it will be important to:
- Establish a strategic schedule to maximize use of the modules by providing adequate time to complete the homework task assigned in each module (1-2 weeks), but not too much time between modules so that content is forgotten.
- Provide regular prompting, encouragement and reminders to complete each module.
- Collect evidence of completion by having participants send you a copy of the Results Page.
- Provide an opportunity for follow-up discussion to answer questions that may have come up while completing each module.
- Provide regular prompting, encouragement, reminders and support to complete the homework tasks for each module. The goal is to complete homework tasks for each module before moving on to the next module.
- Collect the homework tasks and provide feedback.
- Coaching Checklists are provided with each module for providing feedback. It’s helpful to provide direct written feedback on to a copy of the documents submitted for the homework task as well as provide feedback scores with explanations on the corresponding Coaching Checklist.
Below are links to the Coaching Checklists for each module
- Module 2 – FBA Interview Coaching Checklist (pdf)
- Module 3 – FBA Observation Coaching Checklist (pdf)
- Modules 4 & 5 – Behavior Intervention Plan Coaching Checklist (pdf)
- Module 6 – Implementation Plan Coaching Checklist (pdf)
- Module 7 – Evaluation Plan Coaching Checklist (pdf)
- Module 7 – BIP Review Meeting Coaching Checklist (pdf)
Go to these sites to find more specific information for planning the use of Basic FBA to BIP for School Professional Development or College Courses.