<h1 style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #ffffff"><strong><u>Basic FBA to BIP</u></strong></span></h1> <h2 style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #ffffff"><strong>College Courses</strong></span></h2> <h4 style="text-align: center"><span style="color: #ffffff"> Materials and suggestions for incorporating the Basic FBA to BIP e-learning modules in to college courses.</span></h4>
College Course
Using Basic FBA to BIP for Pre-Service training in college courses.
Building school capacity to provide individualized behavior support in schools should start in preservice preparation programs. Special educators, school counselors, school psychologists and adminstrators are among the positions most often involved in leading Tier 3 behavior support efforts in schools. Though general education teachers may not need to know FBA/BIP, they should have a strong understanding behavior and intervention for students with recurring problem behavior.
Here are suggestions for using Basic FBA to BIP in university or college courses
- Assign students to complete the Basic FBA to BIP Specialist Training e-learning modules. You can assign one module to be completed every week or two depending on the length of your course (quarter v. semester).
- Have student provide evidence of completion for each module by using “print screen” on the Results page at the end of the module (see the example of the Results page to the right).
- Assign students to complete the homework tasks for each module. Below are examples of assignment descriptions and scoring rubrics for a series of assignments that corresponds with completion of Basic FBA to BIP.
Assignment #1: Functional Behavior Assessment
- This assignment corresponds with Modules 1 – 3 of the Basic FBA Specialist Training The tasks in the assignment coincide with the Homework Tasks assigned in Modules 1-3.
- Assignment Description
- Links to all of the forms for the assignment are include in the Assignment Description
- Grading Sheet (note the Coaching Checklists are used to score items 1c and 1d on the Grading Sheet)
Assignment #2: Behavior Intervention Plan, Implementation & Evaluation
- This assignment is intended to build from Assignment #1 using the same case. This assignment corresponds with Modules 4 – 7 of the Basic FBA Specialist Training The tasks in the assignment coincide with the Homework Tasks assigned in Modules 4-7.
- BIP Assignment Description
- Links to all of the forms for the assignment are include in the Assignment Description
- BIP Assignment Grading Sheet (note the Coaching Checklists are used to score items 1b, 1d and 1f on the Grading Sheet)
Assignment #3: BIP Review Meeting
- This assignment is intended to build on Assignments #1 & 2 using the same case. This assignment corresponds with Module 7 of the Basic FBA Specialist Training The tasks in the assignment coincide with the Homework Tasks for the BIP Review Meeting assigned in Module 7.
- BIP Review Assignment Description
- Links to all of the forms for the assignment are include in the Assignment Description
- BIP Review Assignment Grading Sheet (note the Coaching Checklists are used to score items 1b, 1d and 1f on the Grading Sheet)